Category: Education
Driving with bipolar disorder in California: Is there cause for concern?
It has been said that bipolar disorder is one of the most common mental health issues that has led to suspended driver’s licenses under California law. The California DMV is authorized to investigate any condition, whether medical or mental, that hinders a driver’s ability to drive safely. But what is it about bipolar disorder that…
What to Do if Your Vehicle Starts to Overheat
Article by Delta Driving School Being in control of your senses is a crucial aspect of driving, especially when things like reaction time and spacial awareness can make the difference between getting to your destination safely and getting into an accident somewhere along the way. Similarly, understanding how your car works and how to maintain it…
Modifications to the Erie Canal throughout the 20th Century
By Samuel Phineas Upham The Eerie Canal represented a tremendous breakthrough in the early part of the 19th century. Through the 1800s, but as time went on the effect began offering diminished returns. Railroads had replaced, or grown, large sections of the canal and made others entirely obsolete. In addition, large sections of the canal…